23 research outputs found

    Growth Management Effectiveness: A Literature Review

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    Although growth management programs have many purposes, a critical one is to contain urban and suburban sprawl. Their efficacy in this regard is not well understood. In this paper, we review a comprehensive set of growth management tools, used by urban planners and policymakers to curb sprawl, starting with the history of the tool, then describing how it works in practice, and finally presenting any available empirical evidence on how well it works to curb sprawl and/or achieve other public purposes. While growth management isn't a panacea for controlling sprawl, it is certainly not the failure implied by critics

    Financing the Future: Examining the Fiscal Landscape of California Public Transit in the Wake of the Pandemic

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    UC-ITS-2022-15California and its regional and local governments have invested heavily in public transit over the past half-century to provide an alternative to driving, ease traffic congestion, reduce emissions, slow climate change, steer new development, and provide mobility for those without. As a result, bus service has improved and expanded, and many parts of the state\u2019s metropolitan areas are now served by rail transit. Yet today, many of the state\u2019s transit systems are struggling operationally and financially. Ridership began eroding in the half-decade leading up to 2020 and plummeted at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Three federal pandemic relief bills provided a critical lifeline to keep struggling transit systems afloat early on, but these funds are running out. Meanwhile, operating costs have risen, ridership and fare revenues have only partially returned, and some transit systems face \u201cfiscal cliffs,\u201d where they will need substantial new infusions of funding, substantial cuts in costs and service, or some combination of the two. Against this backdrop, this report examines the current state of California transit finance: why ridership and fare revenues are down and their prospects for recovery; what lessons the successful federal relief bills provide; why commuter-oriented systems are struggling financially much more than those that primarily service transit-reliant riders; and what the financial managers at transit systems have done to cope with this turbulent time and how they see their future financial prospects

    Impact of Transit on Multifamily Property Values: A Meta-Analysis

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    reportAs many cities continue to grow, they face housing s hortages, witness increased automobile congestion, and subsequent air pollution. Promoting transit - oriented, multifamily housing is one way some municipalities are combating the challenges associated with growth worldwide and in turn pr omoting healthier pl aces to live and reduced suburban sprawl. And where allowed, the market has responded to support this type of growth. As this kind of development has expanded, so has the research investigating the link between real estate values and tr ansit proximity. How ever, the results of those inquires have been mixed. There is need to generalize the findings to provide streamlined evidence to planners and policy makers that wish to create sustainable and equitable cities

    Impact of Transit on Multifamily Property Values: A Meta-Analysis

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    posterAs many cities continue to grow, they face housing shortages, witness increased automobile congestion, and subsequent air pollution. Promoting transit-oriented, multifamily housing is one way some municipalities are combating the challenges associated with growth worldwide and in turn promoting healthier places to live and reduced suburban sprawl. And where allowed, the market has responded to support this type of growth. As this kind of development has expanded, so has the research investigating the link between real estate values and transit proximity. However, the results of those inquires have been mixed. There is need to generalize the findings to provide streamlined evidence to planners and policy makers that wish to create sustainable and equitable cities. This research aims to fill a gap in the literature by conducting a meta-analysis of transit premiums for multifamily housing